
The Art of Woo – Persuasion Styles Assessment

The Art of Woo – Persuasion Styles Assessment

Step 1: Mark Each Statement Below as Follows:

0 = Rarely true for me
1 = Sometimes true for me
2 = Equally true and not true for me
3 = Usually true for me
4 = Always true for me

___E. Other people often comment on how balanced I am.

___A. I am known for saying exactly what is on my mind.

___B. I am an enthusiastic, assertive person.

___E I seek compromises when opinions are sharply divided.

___C. I have insights into others’ feelings and needs that often surprise them.

___E. I am equally assertive or restrained as the situation requires.

___D. I let others do the talking at meetings.

___A. I express my point of view, even if it means upsetting people.

___C. I cultivate a wide network of contacts and relationships.

___E. I am equally skilled at being candid and circumspect depending on the situation.

___B. I am told I am very assertive.

___D. I am quietly effective.

___E. If need be, I can just as easily be blunt and diplomatic.

___B. I like to be out front, leading the charge.

___A. I devote more time to understanding ideas than to understanding people.

___E. I am equally likely to be assertive and reserved.

___D. I prefer a quiet conversation to interacting with big groups.

___C. I excel at understanding other people’s feelings.

___E. I am good at both managing relationships and being forceful.

___B. I have an outgoing personality.

___A. I get right to the point without a lot of small talk.

___C. I can easily sense the other person’s mood.

___D. People tell me I am reserved.

___E. I press my point of view but not to the point of endangering relationships.

___A. I concentrate on my message more than on the audience.

___B. I am outspoken and expressive.

___E. I give equal weight to what I think and what others think.

___C. I read other people’s feelings accurately.

___D. When I speak, I do so forcefully but quietly.

___E. I can easily adapt my style to be assertive or restrained.

Step 2: Add Up Your Scores

Add up the total numbers you put next to letter “A”. Do the same for letters “B” through “E”. Your total scores for letters “A” through “D” should fall between 0 and 20. Your score for letter “E” should fall between 0 and 40.

A = _____(out of 20) This is a measure of your focus on your own point of view.

B = _____(out of 20) This is your social assertiveness score.

C = _____(out of 20) This is a measure of your focus on your audience’s feelings.

D = _____(out of 20) This is your socially reserved score.

E = _____(out of 40) This is your Advocate score.

Step 3: Discover Your Persuasion Styles

Add your letter scores from Step 2 using the system below to translate your scores into styles.

Style / Letter Scores / Total / Rank: highest to lowest # 1 - #5

____A + ____B =

____A + ____D =

Chess Player
____C + ____D =

____B + ____C =

____E =

My styles: Vision channel preference
Rank: Promoter, Advocate, Driver, Chess Player, Commander

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